Protective Property Trust: Safeguarding Your Assets for Future Generations

A Protective Property Trust (PPT) is a strategic estate planning tool designed to preserve and protect a family home or property for future generations. It is particularly useful for couples who wish to ensure their share of the property is passed down to their children or other beneficiaries, while also providing for the surviving partner. In an era where the cost of long-term care and the complexities of inheritance tax are significant concerns, a PPT offers a prudent solution.

Understanding Protective Property Trusts

A Protective Property Trust is established through a will and comes into effect upon the death of the first partner. The trust is set up to hold the deceased partner’s share of the property, ensuring that their portion is safeguarded for their intended beneficiaries, usually their children. The surviving partner retains the right to live in the property for the rest of their life, but they do not own the deceased partner’s share outright.

Benefits of a Protective Property Trust

1. Asset Protection from Care Costs: One of the primary benefits of a PPT is its ability to protect assets from being used to cover long-term care costs. If the surviving partner requires residential care, only their share of the property is considered in financial assessments, potentially reducing the amount they have to pay. The deceased partner’s share Protective property trust held in trust is protected and preserved for the beneficiaries.

2. Ensuring Inheritance for Children: A PPT ensures that the deceased partner’s share of the property is passed down to their children or other named beneficiaries. This is particularly important in blended families where each partner may have children from previous relationships. The trust guarantees that each partner’s wishes regarding their inheritance are respected and fulfilled.

3. Flexibility and Security for the Surviving Partner: While the deceased partner’s share of the property is held in trust, the surviving partner retains the right to live in the property for life. They may also have the right to move to a different property if needed, with the trust accommodating such changes. This provides a balance between protecting the inheritance and ensuring the surviving partner’s comfort and security.

4. Mitigating Inheritance Tax: Although a PPT does not eliminate inheritance tax liabilities, it can help in managing and potentially reducing the overall tax burden. By carefully structuring the trust and the distribution of assets, it may be possible to optimize the estate’s tax efficiency.

Setting Up a Protective Property Trust

Establishing a PPT involves several steps, typically guided by legal and financial professionals:

1. Drafting the Will: The first step is to draft a will that includes the terms of the Protective Property Trust. This involves specifying how the property is to be divided and managed upon the death of the first partner.

2. Legal Advice and Trustees: It’s essential to seek legal advice to ensure that the trust is set up correctly and in compliance with relevant laws. Appointing trustees, who will manage the trust according to the terms specified in the will, is also a critical part of the process.

3. Communication with Beneficiaries: Clear communication with beneficiaries about the terms and purpose of the trust is important to avoid misunderstandings and ensure that everyone is aware of their rights and expectations.


A Protective Property Trust is a valuable estate planning tool for couples looking to safeguard their property for future generations while providing security for the surviving partner. By protecting assets from long-term care costs and ensuring that the deceased partner’s wishes regarding inheritance are respected, a PPT offers peace of mind and financial protection. Setting up such a trust involves careful planning and professional advice, but the benefits it provides in terms of asset protection and inheritance planning make it a worthwhile consideration for many families.

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